Thursday 29 August 2013

Sorry its been awhile...

I am apparently breaking some unspoken "blogging rule" when I don’t blog all the time. I'm not used to telling the internet what’s going on in my life. But I've gotten over that now... Sooo I’m going to do some express blogging to make up for the past month and a half.

This blog is about how I am learning to take care of myself in a strange country. 
                                                                                          (When I say strange, I mean out of my element.)

I've finally turned 21 in a new country (whoot!) where I have a 9 – 5 job and I hang out with AIESECers and have dinners with my co-workers. Its really chill, not going to lie. So a question that pops up once in awhile is: how am I doing this living-alone/taking-care-of-myself life? I am so used to having someone watching out for me all the time!! I had my family, roommates, coworkers, uni friends, church friends, AIESECers and the list goes on.
I was unbelievable blessed. For one thing, I was born into a Sri Lankan family and pretty much all you have to do is: study, clean your room and say hi when you have company… you’d think that’d be easy right... And my parents pretty much did everything else. My point is that someone always took care of me. Asked me questions like: did you eat, did you do your laundry, where are you going, who are you with, how did you do on that quiz/exam? Yeah these questions might seem annoying, but what I didn’t realize is that these questions are questions of concerns and thoughtfulness. To further emphasize how spoiled I was, my high school friends used to make fun of me because my mom used to cut my apple. It was that bad.
Yes I lived an independent life the past couple of years, where I was financially supporting myself. That’s just a small part of taking care of one’s self. I couldn’t cook three meals for myself; I didn’t know how to do grocery shopping without buying Mr.noodles; I sleep because I am tired and not because I need rest and the list goes on.So here I am 21 years living alone in a strange country with no one to take care of me and all I’ve done is complaining (in my head) that no one cares for me. That thought crossed my mind way too many times. And it occurred to me that I need to appreciate the love others give me and when I don’t have that, I should learn to accept that life style. I should grow and adapt into the circumstances that I am in and make the best of it. Sometimes it’s going to be you against the world and that’s okay. Because  what I;ve come to realize is God has your back and he’s going to watch out for you. He has his Angles taking care of me every step of the way. 

Not sure how I managed to take this picture. But the Sunrise always reminds how blessed I am to see another day.

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