Tuesday 21 May 2013

Start of a New Chapter...

So in exactly 9 days I am flying off to a country made of more than 16 000 islands called INDONESIA for an AIESEC Internship!!!

So far this is all I know about Indonesia.... hopefully its enough because as you can see its not a lot.
  • Its a country made of a lot of islands
  • Primarily its a Muslim country (peaceful and accepting of other cultures) :D
  • Lots of good food!!
  • 4th highest populated country in the world... No biggy
...and yes these are infos I got from Wikipedia, don't judge me!

Neil Pasricha, author of "3 A's of AWESOME" said:
"You'll never be as young as you are right now..." 
Now that's a scary thought. We only have 18 summers with our parents and 18 summers with our children and so on. And every other summer pass by in a blink of an eye. Each and everyday we are in this rush to cross things off a check list just to start another day to do the same.

Time is something very valuable to us and yet we take it for granted. This is my opportunity to leave my life of comfort and explore what the world has to offer. So each and every moment of my life in Indonesia, I am going to try my best to appreciate the little things. I am going to stop and smell the flowers (figuratively)! and make sure each moment is remembered!

Finally like Neil Pasricha would say: "I am going to embrace my inner three year old!!!" :) WHOOT!!! Wish me luck!!