Friday 31 May 2013

Here we go..

That gut feeling you get when you are about to leave the house and you feel like you are forgetting something very important. Well that's how I feel right now. everything is packed, tickets are printed, tomorrow's clothes are laid out and still it feels like something important is missing. I guess I'll find out when get to Indonesia.

Goodbyes are hard and for some reason its always associated with sadness. But after many hugs and kisses I realized goodbyes aren't that bad. Yes its hard to say "see you in six months"... but it gives you the assurance that you will be coming back to loved ones and that they'll be waiting for you to come back.

Currently waiting to board the plane to Jakarta from Taiwan. After 15 hours of flying from Toronto to Taiwan its good to be on solid grounds!

During the 15 hour flight I was woken up by the air hostes to let me know that dinner was being served. As I was asking her questions as to what was being served her colleagues's hand slipped and she spilt hot coffee all over me. At that moment I was in utter shock to even react. And the cabin crew helped me to the washroom and cleaned me up. My new and white AIESEC sweater was stained with coffee :'( However, the crew immediately took the sweater away and cleaned it up for me and returned it without a single stain. Many of the cabin crew came to apologize and to see if I was hurt.

Now I m getting called to board the plane... I will update with more stories!