Monday 15 July 2013

Saung Angklung Udjo

Saung (Saa-oong), Angklung (Ah-ng-klu-ng), Udjo (Ooh-jo)

An instrument that is very unique to Indonesia is called the Angklung. It's made of curved bamboo and each angklung is a single note and they assemble eight angklungs together to make an octave. Some have more than one octaves and some are small and some are really big.

An Udjo is like an art centre where they teach various types of dances and instruments. They also teach public speaking and acting. This particular Odjo I visited, did a performance for us with their current students playing the angklung, dancing to traditional music and the co-host was a thirteen year old who was practising to become the MC. It was so much fun. during the show they gave us our own angklung to play with and as a whole we attempted to play some popular songs.

Check out the pictures!!

The stage where the performance took place.

There was a puppet show in the beginning with live music played by students from the Udjo. 

They took out the cover to show us the puppeteer 

The children came from the sides with angklungs and did a traditional dance

We all got our own angklungs to play with. And everyone had a different number from 1 - 6 and every time she pointed to a number the audience with that number has to shake their angklung.

This was my angklung and it had the number 5!

She was the MC for the evening. She spoke in both English and Bahasa. In this picture she is conducting a song with the audience

This is the modern angklung where they are turned upside down. And they began with Heal the World by Michael Jackson. Hands down the best versions I've ever heard.

The lovely co-workers who bought me here!!

To my Left: The conductor, music director and teacher at the Udjo. To my Right: The MC.