Thursday 29 August 2013

Prambanan Temple

While I was in Yogyakarta I visited another world renowned temple: Prambanan Temple. It’s a Hindu temple which was also built somewhere in the 9th century. The temple is dedicated to the three God Heads of the Hindus: Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma. Similar to Borobudur Temple, it was abandoned when the Hindu rule fell. But it was rediscovered and renovated and is currently one of UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites as well.

When we enter the temple we have to wear a sarong to show respect. Additionally we have to wear a construction helmets when we are certain temples.

You can see the distinction from the old stones and new stones. During renovation they have tried their best to harness the old structure as much as possible. When you look at the composition of the temples, they are small and big pieces of stones depicting various stories from the Mahabarata and other Hindu books. Somehow it seems like a huge 3D puzzle to put together and the renovators were very successful.

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