Sunday 29 September 2013


Botanical Garden

Another awesome city in Indonesia is Bogor. It is also called the rain city. As the name suggests, the city receives one of the most rainfall in the country. Another reason I really wanted to visit this city was because I wanted to check out their famous botanical garden. The garden itself is more than 80 hectares and you’ll have to spend full day there to soak up all the fresh air. Indonesia is home to the largest flower in the world and I really wanted to see it. But the flowering event hasn't happened since 2011. But other than that, this Botanical garden is home to more than 5000 species of plants, ferns, trees and herbs. They also have a monument to the oldest/first palm tree  in the country.

The oldest palm tree

During my stay there, I got the full Bogor experience. You might be wondering what that might be. I was staying with one of my co-worker’s college friend who kindly offered her small dorm room for us. The night started off with rain, which progressed to a thunderstorm and lighting. I love the sound of thunder, so I was really excited to sit and listen to the pouring rain and thunder. Due to the heavy rain, the city had a power out. Thankfully there was a candle to light up the place. No internet or cell phones. We just had each other to talk to and share stories. It was a great experience; when the power went out, my first thought was, finally there’s a use for the candle we bought earlier. We had a candlelit dinner with a stray kitty that needed a shelter from the rain. 

I did not take this picture. Somehow I don't have a good picture of an Angkot so I borrowed this from google. This is a very popular and cheap way of transportation in Indonesia. The vehicle can hold 12 squished up people in the back.
A typical Indonesian way to sit. 
Feri is the girl in front who offered me her humble home for a few nights. Yola is my co worker in the orange bag!
 Yes sightseeing and eating new food is great. But the experience of getting stuck in an angkoth with 10 other strangers and driving around the city was unforgettable.